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it means there is no rainbow without sun which is basically saying there is no good with me (elizabeth)

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Q: What does the rainbow mean on queen elizabeth 1sts portrait?
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For what reasons did many of Elizabeths 1sts advisers want ro persuade Elizabeth to execute Mary Queen of Scots?

Elizabeth was a Protestant Queen, making England a Protestant country, whereas Mary was a devout Catholic. Although there were Protestants in England at the time, there were also many Catholics who supported Mary as Queen. Since from the Catholic viewpoint Henry VIII and Catherine of Argon's marriage was never annulled. That would have made Elizabeth, Anne Boleyn's child, illegitimate, since at the time of her conception, Catherine was not dead and still the wife of Henry. She could have been considered a bastard by many people. Mary, Queen of Scots, would have been her closest relative, making her the biggest threat to Elizabeth's throne. In order to protect it, she had Mary beheaded. Elizabeth later claimed the execution papers were to only make Mary nervous so she would back off. Any way, the order was carried out, even if it wasn't supposed to be.

Who are Mary 1sts parents?

Anne Boleyn was her mother and Henry VIII was her father.

Does May 1st ever fall on Monday?

Yes, exactly 14% of all May 1sts are Mondays.

Does December 1st ever fall on a Monday?

Yes, exactly 14.25% of all Dec. 1sts are Mondays.

How many vilion are they in an orchestra?

A full symphony generally has 30 violins.

What day of the week is April first on?

Of all April 1sts,... 14.5% are Sundays. 14.25% are Mondays. 14.25% are Tuesdays. 14.5% are Wednesday. 14% are Thursdays. 14.5% are Fridays. 14% are Saturdays.

What day of the week is the first of September?

Of all September 1sts,... 14.25% are Sundays. 14.25% are Mondays. 14.5% are Tuesdays. 14% are Wednesdays. 14.5% are Thursdays. 14% are Fridays. 14.5% are Saturdays.

Where is the best place to sell rare books?

I think ebay. I think you're wrong. Some books may sell on eBay, but if you have a lot of 1sts, etc., ABE might be better.

How often in years does November first fall on Saturday?

Exactly 14.25% of all November 1sts are Saturdays. November 1st falls on a Saturday 57 times in every 400-year period, making the average time between occurances 7.0175 years. The actual time between occurances can be either 5 years, 6 years, 11 years or 12 years.

What religion was King James I?

James I (1566-1625, known as King James VI of Scotland) was a protestant. James practiced a presbyterian type of Puritanism, as this was the religion of Scotland. When he became King of England as well (July 25, 1603), he adopted a more Anglican Protestant form. This divided the Scots after his death. Initially James Ist, was brought up a Calvinist in the Presbyterian Church in Scotland! Later on he assumed the throne in England and converted to the English Church, describing himself as a Catholic, but refusing to acknowledge the papacy and subscribing to the Seven Councils.

What percentage of all November 1sts fall on Monday?

14% assuming the Gregorian calendar.(Please see:How_do_the_days_of_a_date_in_the_Gregorian_calendar_change_through_the_yearsfor information about the sequence of days a date can have over the years - I'm using the analysis there along with the blocks in the given sequence)1 Nov 2000 was a Wednesday, so the blocks of 4 years in each century over every 4 centuries that contain 1 Nov as a Monday are:NYYNNYY NYYNNYY NYYNNYY NYYNYYNNYYN YYNNYYN YYNNYYN YYNNYNNYYNY YNNYYNY YNNYYNY YNNYNNYYNYY NNYYNYY NNYYNYY NNYYWhich means that in every 400 years (starting on a "leap" century) there will be 48 + 8 = 56 Mondays→ 56 ÷ 400 x 100 % = 14 %