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worms and germs

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Q: What kills pathogens when they reach the stomach?
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What defenses does the digestives system have against pathogens?

The stomach (part of the digestive system) has a low pH (acidic), which kills pathogens.

Where is hydrochloric acid found in the human body and what does it do there?

in stomach. . .and it activates some enzymes, kills pathogens, maintain acidic medium..

How are stomach acid and mucous as a defense against pathogen?

Stomach acid is a chemical barrier against pathogens. The low pH of the acid creates an environment in which pathogens are unable to survive and will often kill them. Mucous is a physical barrier against pathogens. It acts to trap pathogens to prevent them from entering the body any farther.

What kills pathogens on the skin?

acidic environment

What kills pathogens on surfaces?

Antibodies produced by lymphocytes

What kills all microorganisms both pathogenic and nonpathogenic?

mostly other pathogens kill pathogens

Process that destroys or kills pathogens?


What barriers does the human body have to prevent pathogens entering?

The most obvious is the physical barrier - one's skin. The body also has enzymes such as lysozyme and defensins, which are secreted on the exterior, and kill bacteria. The acid in the stomach also kills most pathogens, and the lining of the intestines prevents many pathogens from entering the blood stream from the gut. In the blood, there are immune cells which mark and attack invading pathogens too. It's therefore astonishing that pathogens have evolved mechanisms to evade or counter all of these defences.

What two reasons that the acid in your stomach is beneficial?

It aids in digestionIt protect us from some microbes that are pathogens. Some disease causing microbes are present in contaminated or food that are not properly treated. The acid pH of the stomach kills those microbes and protect us from disease.

How are bacteria in the stomach killed?

Stomach acid kills the bacteria

What are the symptoms of pathogens?

Symptoms of bloodborne pathogens include stomach problems, flu like symptoms, fatigue, and weight loss. HIV and malaria are bloodborne pathogens.

What is the purpose of pasteurizing wine?

as far as I know , it kills pathogens and certain Bactria