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It says that the speed of light in a vacuum measured in any inertial frame of reference is equivalent to the speed of light in a vacuum measured in any other inertial frame of reference.

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Q: What does the theory of special relativity say about the equivalence of different frames of reference?
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What are einsteins postulates of relativity?

For the Special Theory of Relativity, the basic postulates are:The relativity principle, i.e., laws of nature are the same for observers in different reference frames.The speed of light is the same for different observers.

What is the definition of special relativity?

Special relativity is Albert Einstein's theory that there is no preferred frame of reference for physics, and all measurements depend upon the frame of reference from which they are made.

Special relativity can be used to study an object in which frame of reference?

Special relativity can be used to study an object in physical events.

What is the difference between quantum and relativity?

Relativity has two parts: General relativity and special relativity, general relativity describes gravity as a geometric property of spacetime and special relativity is the physical theory of measurement in inertial frames of reference. Now quantum mechanics, in it's wave formulation, deals with describing things on the atomic scale as a wavefunction.

Did Albert Einstein discovered math?

No he is known for General relativity, Special relativity, Photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, Mass-energy equivalence , Einstein field equations,Unified Field Theory, Bose-Einstein statistics

Where is Albert Einstein known for?

He was known for: General relativity Special relativity Brownian motion Photoelectric effect Mass-energy equivalence Einstein field equations Unified Field Theory Bose-Einstein statistics EPR paradox

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Examples of relativity?

Time Dilation and Length contraction (essentially the same idea, whenconsidering the sameness of time and space as dimensions - which is the crux of special relativity), and specifically the Precession of Mercury (which is predicted by General Relativity) [which forgoes the necessity of a background reference frame (an axis/coordinate system)] are examples of Relativity.

How long is 22354786 minutes?

It is exactly 22354786 minutes in duration in the reference frame of the person measuring the passage time (as described by special relativity).

Einstein's theory of special relativity is published?

At least special theory of relativity was published 1905

Is absolute motion possible?

Absolute motion is motion relative to a presumed absolute reference frame. Special Relativity posits that the laws of nature are perfectly symmetrical with respect to any inertial reference frame. This implies that there is no absolute reference frame, and that absolute motion is a useless concept.

When was e equals mc2 invented?

That's part of the Special Theory of Relativity - published 1905.That's part of the Special Theory of Relativity - published 1905.That's part of the Special Theory of Relativity - published 1905.That's part of the Special Theory of Relativity - published 1905.