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If this has something to do with french, Femme means woman or female in french.

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Q: What does the word 'femme' mean?
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What is femme in French?

The words 'sa femme' may mean her woman, or his woman. In the word-by-word translation, the possessive adjective 'sa' means 'his, her, its'. The noun 'femme' means 'wife, woman'.

What does 'femme' mean in Spanish?

The word 'femme' means 'wife, woman' in English. The word for 'woman' is mujer in Spanish. The word for 'wife' in Spanish also may be esposa. And sometimes there are Spanish speakers who use the word novia as girlfriend, fiancee, or wife.

What is the french word for woman?

une femme. femme or fille (young woman)

What does the word femme fatale mean in French?

'une femme fatale' is a woman you will fall for. The first meaning is that one will fall in love with her, the second is that this is a fateful move for the lover or would-be lover.

What does the word femme fatate mean?

The best definition I ever heard was "I can't live without her, and I can't live with her"

What is the secret of 'bi-femme'?

The phrase 'bi-femme' means bisexual woman. In the word-by-word translation, the prefix 'bi-' means 'two'. It comes from the word 'bis', which means 'two'. The noun 'femme' means 'woman'.

How do you pronounce the french word femme?

femme = woman Even though "femme" is spelled with an "e". It is pronounced " F-a-mm" (A sound like in apple)

What does woman mean in french?


What the word woman in french?

Une femme

What is the English translation for the word femme?


What word in french meanswife to be?

femme d'être

Is femme fame in french?

'femme' is a French word meaning 'woman.' 'Famous' in french is 'célèbre' or 'fameux'.