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Q: What does the word food deteriorate mean?
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Related questions

What does the word deteriorate mean?

(v.) to lower in quality or value; to wear away. It is painful for anyone, particularly a doctor, to watch someone's health deteriorate.

Is the word freeze a synonym for the word deteriorate?

No. Synonyms for deteriorate would be degrade, rot, break down, worsen...

What is the Hindi word for deteriorate?


How do you make a sentence using the word deteriorate?

The heavy rains caused the retaining wall to deteriorate.

What is the opposite of the word deteriorate?

improve, grow, develop

A word to describe when things continue to worsen?


What does disinagrate mean?

I believe the word you are searching for is disintegrate, and this word means:to separate into parts or lose intactness or solidness; break up; deteriorate: The old book is gradually disintegrating with age.

How can you use the word chlorofluorocarbons in a sentence?

Chlorofluorocarbons are thought to deteriorate the ozone.

Do inmates deteriorate in prison?

Yes, after a certain period of time, the awful food, lack of exercise equipment, hard beds, no tv, feeling depress, then yeah inmates do deteriorate.

Can you show an example of the word 'deteriorate' in a sentence?

His health had deteriorated while he was in prison.

Does decline mean the same as deteriorate?

Decline and deteriorate have similar meanings, but there is a subtle difference in their usage. "Decline" typically refers to a gradual weakening or reduction, while "deteriorate" implies a more rapid or significant decline in quality or condition.

What is the American English word for the British English word jam?

The British word "jam" can mean a couple of things. If you mean the food, a sweet paste of fruit, Americans also use the same word to mean that food. If you mean "jam" as in "stuck together," Americans use that word in the same context, but also use the word "cram."