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'gras' means 'fat' in French.

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Q: What does the word gras mean in French?
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What does Gras mean in French?

Gras in french means fat

French word for fat Tuesday?

The French word for 'fat Tuesday' is Mardi Gras.

What does gras mean?

Fat tuesday- it's french

What is the French word for fat?

matière grasse, gras(se),gros, obèse

What does bon mardi gras mean?

Bon, in french, means good. Mardi Gras means 'Fat Tuesday.' Saying Bon Mardi Gras is the english equivilant to saying Happy Mardi Gras.

What does this mean Je Vous aime Gras?

Are you sure this is spanish? It seems more french to me. In french it means - I love you fat. Perhaps you mistook gras for gros which would mean big or lots. Hope this helps.

Mardi Gras is a famous carnival held on shrove Tuesday. What does Mardi Gras mean?

Mardi=Tuesday Gras=Fat Both are french words that when translated to english from Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday.

How do you say fatty in french?

The English word "fatty" translates to French as "gras", which translates back to English as "bold". However, the word "fat" in English can be translated to "graisse" in French(and then translated back to English as "fat" again. I don't actually know French, I used an online translator for this. Maybe a French person could give you a better answer. If you mean a person - gros(se), obèse, if you mean food etc - gras(se) - the fat content in food is called - matière grasse.

What does Mardi Gras mean merry times fat Tuesday or spring welcome?

"does 'Mardi gras' mean 'merry times' - 'Fat Tuesday' - or 'Spring Welcome'? (well, fat means 'gras' in French, and Tuesday is spelled 'mardi' ...)

In the term 'Mardi Gras' why does 'Gras' come after 'Mardi'?

Because it's a French expression and in French adjectives come after their nouns.

What does Mardi Gras mean?

Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday" the last day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. In the UK we call this day Shrove Tuesday. (Shrove comes from to shrive, an old word for Confession). It is also called 'Pancake Tuesday'.

What does the word mardi gras literally mean?

The day before Lent, Shrove Tuesday