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In TS Eliot's poem "Gerontion," the word "propagates" refers to the act of spreading or perpetuating beliefs, ideas, or values. In the context of the poem, it suggests that certain religious or political ideologies are being actively disseminated or promoted.

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9y ago

The word propagates means "gives birth to" in the T.S. Eliot poem.

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Q: What does the word propagates mean in TS Eliot's poem Gerontion?
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What does the word propagates mean in this excerpt from ts eliots poem gerontion?

In T.S. Eliot's poem "Gerontion," the word "propagates" likely refers to the spreading or promulgation of ideas or beliefs through various means. The line "I am no prophet—and here’s no great matter" suggests a sense of cynicism or resignation about the act of propagating beliefs or ideas by the speaker.

What does propagates mean in this excerpt from T S Eliot's poem Gerontion?

Propagates means "gives birth to" in the excerpt of the TS Eliot poem.

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"Gerontion" is a poem by T.S. Eliot, published in 1920. The poem explores themes of old age, disillusionment, and the search for meaning in a fragmented world. It is considered one of Eliot's early major works.

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Gerontion (by T.S. Eliot).

In Gerontion what is the old man doing at the beginning of the poem?

At the beginning of the poem "Gerontion" by T.S. Eliot, the old man is sitting in a room reminiscing about his past and reflecting on his experiences. He seems preoccupied with memories and the passing of time, contemplating various aspects of his life.

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An epigraph.

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