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Total lung volume equals Vital Capacity + Residual Volume.

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Q: What does total lung capacity equals?
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Related questions

What is lung capacity meant by?

Your total lung capacity is the total volume of the lung after maximum inspiration. (average 6 litres).

How is total lung capacity calculated?

by displacement...

The lung volume that represents the total volume of exchangeable air is the?

vital capacity

What measurement in addition to vital capacity is needed before you can calculate your total lung capacity?

Residual volume

Pulmonary Volume with its approximate value?

functional residual capacity 2300 Inspiratory capacity 3500 Vital capacity 4600 Total lung capacity 5800

What percentage of lung capacity does the average person use while at rest?

total lung capacity of human body 6000cc normal human being uses 300cc to 500cc only

What is the lung volume that represents the total volume of exchangeable air?

vital capacity

Can you use the spirometer to measure your total lung capacity?

No. A spirometer can be used to measure the volume of breath a person can expire but it is impossible to expire your entire lung capacity. This is due to the "dead space" capacity that remains to stop the collapse of the alveoli. As the alveoli are spherical and lined with mucus if they collapse it would be impossble for them to be filled again and so some air must remain within them. It is, however, possible to estimate someone's total lung capacity from the spirometer reading.

What disorders increase a person lung capacity?

Lung capacity can not be increased by a disorder.

How did my tidal and vital lung capacity differ?

My tidal lung capacity was lower. I know the difference because in the tidal lung capacity you are taking in less breath. When you are doing the vital lung capacity, you take in more breath.

Lung capacity increases - the total amount of air the lungs can hold?

your mom 80% hahaahha

What does the medical abbreviation TLC mean?

Total lung CapacityTotal Lung Capacity. Also known as TLC, this is the volume of the lungs after a maximal voluntary inspiration.