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To understand is 'comprendre' in French. The conjugation is in link.

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Q: What does understand mean in french?
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What does comprendre in french mean?

comprendre (verb) is "to understand" in French.

What does 'vous ne comprendrez jamais' in french mean in English?

You will never understand. Not this answer, you will. But it is in fact the answer to your question. "You will never understand" translates to your French line.

What does tucompris mean?

tu as compris ? means 'did you understand?' in French.

Tu me comprend mean in french?

tu me comprends - you understand me

How do you type the letter e in French?

I am afraid not to understand what you mean by "type".

What does comment parlez vous mean?

It is french and it means "do you understand/speak"

What does cream que mean in french?

Nothing. I think you didn't understand the phrase.

What does piges mean in french?

tu piges? - means do you understand? in French slang. Cinquante piges means fifty years - also in French slang.

How do you say we do not understand in French?

We do not understand is 'nous ne comprenons pas' in French.

How do i say i do not understand in french?

I do not understand is 'je ne comprends pas' in French.

What does ce n'est pas facile de comprendre le français mean?

This is not easy to understand French.

What coming is french bread?

"What coming" is not a question. I don't understand. Do you mean "color"? Most French breads such as "baguette" and "pain" have a golden crust and a whitish inside.