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Because of the force that it has, (kinetic)

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7y ago

Some waves do. Both electromagnetic waves and gravity waves are able to move through empty space - and to transport energy through empty space.

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Waves that do not requir matter to carry energy through space?

Radio waves and light waves.

What is a disturbance that carries energy through matter and space?

That is basically the description of a WAVE.

The matter through which waves transfers energy?

The matter through which waves transfers energy is a medium.

What carries energy through empty space and through matter?

Electromagnetic waves carry energy through matter and empty space. They consist of two transverse waves - one is the magnetic field and one is the electric field - which travel perpendicular to the direction that the wave is moving.

Does electrical energy travel as waves?

Electromagnetic energy travels by waves. These waves can travel through space and through many types of matter. Electrical energy of sufficient voltage can arc through space and some matter (lightening for example). More commonly, electrical energy travels through conducting media such as wires of copper. AC electricity could be considered a wave, but not in the same sense as electromagnetic energy.

What are disturbances that carry energy through matter?

These disturbances are known as "waves". Examples include compression waves in air or other media (i.e., sound), and electromagnetic waves, which can travel both through matter and through empty space.

Can waves transfer energy through liquids and solids but not through gases or empty space?

Some waves can transfer energy only through liquids and solids, but not through gases or vacuum. Some waves, like sound waves, can transfer energy through gases, liquids and solids but not through vacuum. And some waves, notably electromagnetic waves, can transfer energy through vacuum as well as matter.

What waves carry through matter or space?

phoebeocalaptus waves

What is a repeating disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space?

i dont know ask ur science teacher

What are waves that travel through matter called?

The type of waves that travel through matter are Electromagnetic waves.

Can mechanical waves transfer energy through empty space?

No. Mechanical waves are utterly incapable of transfering energy through empty space.

A wave that travels trough empty space or matter?

Both electromagnetic waves and gravity waves can travel through empty space. Gravity waves travel through matter as well; some electromagnetic waves may travel through some types of matter.