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Before they are pulled apart they are called sister chromatids. Once they are pulled apart they are called chromosomes.

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Q: What duplicated chromosomes are pulled apart during the fourth stage of mitosis called?
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When are chromosomes duplicated before or after mitosis?


When during mitosis when do duplicated chromosomes separate?


Which period are chromosomes duplicated in?

During the cell cycle, chromosomes are duplicated during the interphase.

Do chromosomes double in mitosis?

Mitosis occurs in almost all eukaryotic cells. The duplication of chromosomes only occurs during the S phase of interphase in mitosis to form chromatids.

When are chromosome duplicate before or during mitosis?

Chromosomes are duplicated before mitisis in S phase of inter phase .

When are the sister chromatids of each duplicated chromosomes separated?

Chromosomes separate during the anaphase stage of meiosis or mitosis. During this stage the chromosomes move to the opposite ends of the cell.

Chromosomes are only present in the cell cycle during?

Chromosomes can be seen during cell divison, Reference Before a cell gets ready to divide by mitosis, each chromosome is duplicated (during S phase of the cell cycle

During what part of the mitosis process does dna replicate?

During interphase (more specifically the S-stage), the chromosomes are duplicated.

Where do duplicated chromosomes line up across the center of the cell?

im pretty sure its metaohase im not for sure.

What happens to chromosomes before the nuclear membrane breaks down in mitosis?

Before the nuclear envelope of a cell breaks down during the mitosis process, the DNA has to be duplicated. After the envelope dissolves, the chromosomes separate, then the cell finally splits.

What guide chromosomes during mitosis?

what guides the chromosomes movement during mitosis

During which phase of the cell cycle are duplicated chromosomes present?

The S phase in the interphase. Chromosomes are copied in the interphase part of the cell cycle S phase would be the answer. It is during Interphase (G1, S, G2) that they are copied. SO dependant on your answers it's either interphase or S.