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Poison dart frogs have a powerful neurotoxin. Therefor, no animals will eat them whether they are dead or alive. Instead, poison dart frogs are consumed by bacteria and fungi who are decomposers.

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Q: What eats dyeing poison dart frogs?
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Who eats poison dart frogs?

Snakes because they are poisonous

How does poison dart frogs live?

Well, it eats, and doestn't get eaten.

What eats a poison dart frog and what does a poison dart frog eat?

a certain type of snake eats it and poison dart frogs eat plants and insects.

What eats a posion dart frog?

Strawberry Poison dart frogs are vulnerable to be eaten by any animal that can breath in the water when they are tadpoles because they are not yet poisonous. I am not sure about the other frogs though.

What does a poisonous dart frog eat and how many times a day does it eat?

a poison dart frog eats ants, beetles, flies, mites, spiders, termites, maggots, catipillers but in captivity they eat mostly cricets and fruit flies. the poison dart frogs poison comes from there diet.

How do poison dart frogs climb trees and cling to wet leaves?

A pois on dart frog depends on plants for food it will eat anythnig ican fit in its mouth. Frogs are carnivooters.The tocix comes from the plants that there prey eats which they absorb afterveating the critter

Why does the amazon ground snake eat the poison dart frog?

The Amazon Ground snake eats the Poison Dart frog because it needs to eat.

How Poison Dart frogs kill people?

Yes, it's possible, though it is unlikely that it would happen, except for the three species of Phyllobates found in Colombia. The skin secretions of these species of poison dart frog are known to be extremely toxic, and under the right circumstances an individual can be exposed to a lethal dose of the active ingredient - an alkaloid with both cardiotoxic and neurotoxic effects.But as for the rest of the poison dart frogs, someone would have to go out of their way to do more than get really sick from handling one of these creatures improperly. Special precautions are necessary around the animals, to be sure. It turns out that all of these frogs can be kept as pets as their toxin is not make by them but "picked up" from other things the frog eats - mainly ants and mites. Without those things in its diet, the frog gradually loses its toxicity and becomes safe to handle. Wikipedia has more information, and a link is provided.

What insects do poison arrow frogs eat?

a sand swapper eats a poison arrow frog and poison arrow frog eats insects

What animal eats a blue poison dart frog?

Nothing eats it, it's a poison blue dat frog... It could be Fatal to Humans.... Why you ask?

What does the strawberry poison dart frog use its poison for?

It is unused directly by the frog itself. However indirectly it has a chance of taking the animal that eats it down with it. The poison is created by the things that the frog eats.

What eats poison arrow frogs?

Introduced species and pests, such as foxes and rabbits.