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They were both a part of European Imperialism which altered the political, economic and social affairs of other countries.

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Q: What effect did the empires of spain and portugal have on the restt of the world?
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How are Spain and Portugal alike?

both Spain and Portugal established colonial empires during the fifteenth century

What effect did the empires of Spain and Portugal have on the rest of the world?

They were both a part of European imperialism which altered the political, economic and social affairs of other countries.

What country had the greatest effect on latin America?

Spain and Portugal did.

What were the main four empires during the age of exploration?

Spain France Portugal

Which was a common motivating force behind the explorations of France Spain England and Portugal?

competition for empires

Was the country on the right of Spain always called Portugal?

I assume you mean the left of Spain. Upon its formation, yes, Portugal has always been Portugal. However, before there was a Portugal, there were other Kingdoms and Empires in its place. For example, the Roman Empire. Spain used to also occupy all of the Iberian Peninsula, in which the two countries are situated. Before the modern-day Portugal, there was the Kingdom of Portugal.

What nations were European?

England, France, Portugal and Spain were all European imperialist nations or empires. England wanted to expand, while Spain and Portugal fought for Africa. France wanted both, along with new places and ideas.

What are Spain and Portugal known as?

Spain is known as Spain and Portugal as Portugal.

What European nations were imperialist?

England, France, Portugal and Spain were all European imperialist nations or empires. England wanted to expand, while Spain and Portugal fought for Africa. France wanted both, along with new places and ideas.

Is Spain on the east of Portugal or west of Portugal?

Portugal is west of Spain, between Spain and the Atlantic Ocean.

What was Amerigo Vespucci's sponsoring country?

Spain and Portugal both sponsored him

While Spain and Portugal were using sea power to build overseas Empires what other European Nation was expanding by land across Northern Asia?

While Spain and Portugal were using sea power to build overseas empires, Russia was expanding by land across Northern Asia. Eventually, this would make Russia the world's largest country.