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It will change the order of bases:)

could cause diseases such as; Cystic Fibrosis

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Q: What effect does a mutation have on DNA and proteins?
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What change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA causing proteins to be built differently?


Change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA causing proteins to be built differently?


How can mutation in DNA affect what proteins are made by the cell?

Im pretty sure that dna is the instructions to make proteins so a change in the instructions = a change in the protein!

What makes proteins accurate?

The proteins are coded in DNA. So the gene expression cause RNA and proteins in solely depend on message in DNA. When there is accuracy in DNA (without any mutation), there will authentic proteins. If any change occurs in the DNA sequence that may form premature or dysfunctional proteins due to the change in amino acids.

What is the most likely effect of a frameshift mutation occurring in a sex cell of an adult otter where the mutation is on a gene that produces proteins used to build bones?

The otter's offspring will not survive.

What enzymes are responsible for mutation?

An example for this is, cytidine deaminases (AID and APOBEC proteins), they can convert C in to U, there by make G--A mutation in double stranded DNA.

What would likely prevent DNA from producing the proteins coded by a gene?

A genetic mutation may prevent DNA from producing the protein coded by a gene.

Which do you suppose would be more harmful A mutation that changed the nucleotide sequence of an mRNA molecule or a mutation that changed the nucleotide sequence of a DNA molecule?

A mutation in a DNA nucleotide sequence would be more harmful than a mutation in a mRNA nucleotide sequence because it could cause the synthesis of multiple nonfunctional proteins in comparison to a mutation in a mRNA nucleotide sequence that would be less harmful because it would result in a few nonfunctional proteins.

What things can happen to a protein when a mutation occurs?

proteins stop being produced due to lack of DNA function

Sometimes genes are damaged or are copied incorrectly resulting in faulty?

A mutation.

A change in DNA is?

A change in an organism's DNA is called mutation.

How does the exposure of radiation effect DNA?

The radiation can modify the molecules and atoms in DNA strands. Changing DNA changes the way the cell(s) reproduce and can result in a mutation that is inherited, a mutation that is cancerous, or the par of the DNA is inactive and will not result in a noticeable change.