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Please note that every property of an element depends on protons so one property is often hard to sort out from another since each property has its own trends in relation to the number of protons (atomic number).

The first property that indicates the number of protons is a nanoscopic one, atomic width.

A property that can indicate the relative number of protons is density. That is chemical density not structural density. Air voids in a solid can make the density seem smaller. Most solids (that is, true solids devoid of air gaps and porosity) are heavier than water.

So if you wanted to find density differences in known solids (and reative atomic numbers) you would hit the object with x-rays and record the relative amounts that came through to the exposure film.

If you have access to a Scanning Electron Microscope using primarily the back scatter contrast method can give you an image depicting relative differences in density.

Remember though it must be a true solid. Many elements have isotopes which essentially are more dense atoms withe the same atomic number. These elements are still relatively close to the non-isotopic element since there is no absolute way to.

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The atomic number shows the number of protons and electrons on a Periodic Table.

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B) atomic number

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Q: What element shows the number of protons in its nucleus?
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What information the subatomic particles is given by the element's atomic number?

An element's atomic number gives us the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus of an unionized atom of that element. It also tells us the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. 6c is a carbon atom 6 in subscript is it's atomic number. it tells us that carbon atom has 6 electrons and 6 protons. If mass number is given we can find number of neutrons in nucleus also. no. of neutrons = mass number - atomic number. 6c12 , here 12 in superscript is mass number. no. of neutrons=12 - 6 = 6 (by using above formula. Also a knowledge of atomic number helps us determine the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus. Arrangement of electrons determines chemical properties of an element. Carbon's atom has 2 electron in K(first) shell and 4 electron in L (2nd) shell and thus to have octet(stable configuration) forms four covalent bonds and shows tetra valency. Mass number and atomic number give us n/p (neutron/proton) ratio which determines stability of nucleus and radioactivity. If an element is radioactive it's atom's nucleus will emit subatomic particles to gain stability.

Do isotopes have the same number of protons and electrons?

YES!!! The difinitive answer is ' Isotopes of an element have a DIFFERENT number of neutrons'. Takinf an example. The element Hydrogen . It has three isotopes. They are: - #1 ; protium ; 1 proton , 0 neutrons, 1 electron ; Atomic mass '1' #2 ; deuterium ; 1 proton , 1 neutron , 1 electron ; Atomic mass '2' #3 ; tritium ; 1 proton 2 neutrons 1 electron. 'Atomic mass '3', Carbon also has three isotopes biz., # 1 ; Carbon-12 ; 6 protons, 6 neutroins, 6 electrons ;Atomic mass '12' #2 ; Carbon-13 ; 6 protons, 7 neutroins, 6 electrons ; Atomic mass ''13' #3 ; Carbon-14 ; 6 protons, 8 neutroins, 6 electrons ; Atomic mass '14'. Notice in each case the number of neutrons changes, the number of protons remains the same, otherwise it is a different element. The Atomic mass is the sum of the protons and neutrons. NNB Every element has isotopes. NNNN Do not confuse 'Isotopes' with 'Allotropes'. Allotropes are elements exhibiting a different physical form/appearance.

How can you determine the number of valance electrons by looking at the periodic table?

look at the group number; an atom can only have 8 valance electrons. any thing higher than 10, subtract 10 from it and you get the valance elections. This way would not work for transition metals in group 7 and up.

What are 3 subatomic particles that make up an atom and their location?

- Electron - surrounding the nucleus in orbitals/shells with a negative charge and are in a electron cloud - Proton - make up the nucleus with the positive charge - Neutron - make up the nucleus with no charge what so ever

What is the explanation for the scattering experiment of Rutherford?

Rutherford conducted an experiment in which Alpha particles were fired at a gold nucleus. Most of the particles passed through unaffected. However, some were deflected by a small amount whilst an even smaller number of the particles were deflected completely. This led to the conclusion that the atom has an extremely small, central, positively charged nucleus. As both the positive alpha particle and the positive nucleus repel each other by electrostatic forces. The fact that only a small amount of particles are deflected shows that the nucleus is only a tiny central part of the atom.

Related questions

What describes the atomic number of an atom?

It is the number of protons contained with the nucleus, this defines which element it is. If the atom has neutral charge then it will also be equivalent to the number of electrons orbiting the nucleus.

What is an atomic number. how is it used to create a periodic table?

The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an element. It defines the element. No two different elements can have the same number of protons. It is used to lay out the periodic table because the table shows the elements in increasing numbers of protons.

An atom's atomic number is?

it shows how many protons are present in an atom

What is the smallest unit showing properties of the element Protons and Neutrons in nucleus?

The smallest unit that shows the properties of an element is an atom, and yes, an atom has protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

What is the name of A chart that shows all the elements organized by the number of protons in each element's nucleus?

A periodic table of the elements.

What is atomic number . How is it used to create a periodic table?

The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an element. It defines the element. No two different elements can have the same number of protons. It is used to lay out the periodic table because the table shows the elements in increasing numbers of protons.

Atomic number describes what?

Atomic number describes about number of protons.It is equals to number of protons.

What does an atomic number show?

The atomic number is also known as protons. It shows the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom and identical to the charge number of the nucleus.

What is The atomic number of an element is the total number of which particles in a nucleus?

The atomic number is equivalent to the number of protons or electrons (in the neutral state of an atom).

How many neutrons are in the nucleus of a atom?

Atomic nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons. The atomic number of an element shows the number of protons in a nucleus of an atom of that element, while the atomic mass shows the average number of nucleons (either a proton or a neutron) in nuclei of that element. There can be an average because, unlike proton number, neutron number can vary from isotope to isotope. For example, carbon can have 6 or 7 neutrons and still be stable, but it always has to have 6 protons, or else it'd be a different element. Because atomic mass is equal to the number of protons and neutrons, one can find the number of neutrons by subtracting the number of protons from the total number of nucleons in a given isotope. To do this, subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass.

What information the subatomic particles is given by the element's atomic number?

An element's atomic number gives us the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus of an unionized atom of that element. It also tells us the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. 6c is a carbon atom 6 in subscript is it's atomic number. it tells us that carbon atom has 6 electrons and 6 protons. If mass number is given we can find number of neutrons in nucleus also. no. of neutrons = mass number - atomic number. 6c12 , here 12 in superscript is mass number. no. of neutrons=12 - 6 = 6 (by using above formula. Also a knowledge of atomic number helps us determine the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus. Arrangement of electrons determines chemical properties of an element. Carbon's atom has 2 electron in K(first) shell and 4 electron in L (2nd) shell and thus to have octet(stable configuration) forms four covalent bonds and shows tetra valency. Mass number and atomic number give us n/p (neutron/proton) ratio which determines stability of nucleus and radioactivity. If an element is radioactive it's atom's nucleus will emit subatomic particles to gain stability.

What this element has five valence electrons shows properties of metals and non metals and has 33 protons in the nucleus of each atom?
