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Chlorine ,Bromine and Iodine have same chemical properties as Fluorine.

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Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine

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Q: Name 4 elements that have properties similar to Hydrogen?
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Groups. Elements in the same group have similar electronegativity properties.

Name two elements that have properties similar to those of chlorine?

Fluorine and Bromine are the two elements having the same property as that of Chlorine.

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Ekasilicon was the name appointed by Mendeleev to the undiscovered germanium; germanium has similar chemical properties to silicon and tin.

Another name for a group of elements that have similar properties?

The groups each have different names. Group one is made up of Alkali Metals (except for Hydrogen). Group two is made of Alkali Earth Metals. The other groups include Transition Metals, Noble Gases, Poor Metals and Non Metals.

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Elements are arranged into chemical families by their chemical properties. Some elements don't react, while others are very reactive, and some are good conductors of electricity.

Which element has properties that are the least similar?

sorry i know witch one it is but i could never find the name of it.

Is another name for a group of elements with similar properties on the periodic table?

Yes; for example group 1 is also called alkali metals.

What is hydrogens group name?

Hydrogen is part of the alkali metals group, though it rarely exhibits behavior similar to the other elements in the group.

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Nitrogen and Hydrogen. 2.

On the periodic table of elements what is the name of the element with the symbol H?

Hydrogen! :)

What other elements have similar properties to carbon?

Elements in Group 14 on the Periodic Table have similar properties to carbon. These elements are carbon (C), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), and flerovium (Fl). Each of these elements has two electrons in the outermost p orbital, the electron configuration ns2np2, and they tend to adopt oxidation sates of +4 (+2 for the heavier elements due to the inert pair effect). Silicon is most similar to carbon.