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main group elements

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Q: What elements have more predictable properties main group elements or transition elements?
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What elements are in groups 3-4 of the periodic table?

Transition elements are present in group 3-4. These elements have different properties.

Which group contains elements with the most varied properties?

Groups 3-12 have elements with the most diverse set of properties in the periodic table. They are transition elements.

How do transition metals properties compare with those of elements farther to the left?

The chemical reactivity of transition metals is generally less than that of metals to its left (group 1 and group 2 metals). However, transition metals can exhibit various oxidation states and hence form more number of compounds than group 1 and group 2 elements.

What elements are not transition elements?

So-called NON-transition metals is not a defined group of elements, other than "All other elements that are NOT transition elements".

What is Typical and non typical transition element?

group IIB elements (Zn Cd,Hg) don't have partially filled d-subshell either in elements or in their ionic ionic state, and neither they show typical properties of transition elements.... Elements of group IIIB are also non typically. From Lion Heart Baloh

What are the Group B elements?

Group B elements are the elements between group 2A and group 3A in the periodic table. Note that it doesn't necessarily mean that Group B elements are transition metals because the definition of a transition metal is "a metal which forms one or more stable ions with an INCOMPLETELY-FILLED d-subshell". Because of this definition, Scandium, Zinc, and a few others are not classified as transition metals although they are Group B elements.

What are semiametals?

As we look across the periodic table from left to right, we see metals on the left, transition metals through the middle and nonmetals on the right. What we left out was that group of elements between the transition metals and the nonmetals, and these semimetals are called metalloids.Metaloids have properties that are in between those of transition metals and nonmetals, or perhaps properties that are some combination of those of transition metals and nonmetals. The elements in this group include boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

What are the elements in groups 1A to 8A called?

The elements in group 1a to 8a called representative elements. This is due to the fact that they portray as wide array of chemical and physical properties.

What group on the periodic table contains the least elements?

Group 3, the transition elements.

What are elements in groups 3-12 known as?

Transition Metals! ^-^

What is the group name for the elements in group 12?

transition metals

What are group 3 elements?

Transition metals