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Yes, mendelevium is man made and radioactive.

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Q: What elements is radioactive and synthetic well the answer is mendelevium?
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What is the commercial value of mendelevium?

Mendelevium has a half life of 51 days and is not a natural element but is in fact made as well as the fact that Mendelevium in large masses can be harmful to humans because it is a radioactive metal.

Is rutherfordium harmful?

Rutherfordium is a synthetic element and its properties are not well-studied. However, it is expected to be highly radioactive and potentially harmful due to its radioactive decay. As with other radioactive elements, proper safety measures and handling protocols should be followed to minimize the risk of exposure.

Elements after which element are radioactive?

The atoms that are radioactive are those with unstable nuclei. There is no easy way to tell which is which, so the isotope has to be looked up. All elements have at least some radioactive isotopes. There are 36 elements for which all radioactive isotopes are synthetic or fission products, so for practical purposes, there are no radioactive isotopes of them in nature, except where introduced by human activity. They include most of the common elements we find in nature, but not all. There are 44 elements that are found as stable isotopes, but at least traces of radioactive isotopes are found in nature. Among these are hydrogen, carbon, sodium, silicon, chlorine, and potassium, all of which are necessary for life. Radioactive potassium, in particular, is present as 0.012% of all potassium. For another group of elements, including technetium, promethium, and all with atomic numbers of 83 (bismuth) or more, there is no isotope that is stable.

How did mendelevium the element get its name?

The name of the chemical element mendelevium is derived from the name of the Russian chemist Dimitri Ivanovici Mendeleev, the discoverer of the periodic table of elements.

What is a radioactive solid?

well no elements were listed so I can't help you here

What element is a non-radioactive solid?

well no elements were listed so I can't help you here

Is galinstan toxic?

Gallium is an irritant and corrosive. Inhalation, injestion and contact result in damage to the exposed tissues. Chronic inhalation is thought to reduce bone marrow production. Carcinogenic and mutagenic effects are not well investigated at the time of this writing.

Which are radioactive elements in periodic table?

All elements have at least some radioactive isotopes. For some elements no radioactive isotopes are known except those that are synthetic (see link to related question below). For some other elements, there are both radioactive isotopes and stable isotopes in nature. (see link to related question below). Some elements only have radioactive isotopes, and these are found in nature in at least trace quantities, they include (ordered by atomic number; those marked with * are normally only found in trace amounts in ore as radioactive decay products, and those with ** are distributed radioactive decay products found in trace amounts): Period 5: technetium* Period 6: promethium*, bismuth, polonium*, astatine*, radon** Period 7: francium*, radium*, actinium*, thorium, protactinium*, uranium, neptunium*, plutonium** The fact that all isotopes of bismuth are radioactive was only recently discovered. Some elements are only know as a result of synthesis by human activity, and these are as follows:Period 7: americium, curium, berkelium, californium, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, nobelium, lawrencium, rutherfordium, dubnium, seaborgium, bohrium, hassium, meitnerium, darmstadtium, roentgenium, copernicium, and anything new that might come along.

Can all elements be stable?

All radioactive elements are unstable. Most isotopes of elements in periodic table are radioactive. Overall, most of the elements are unstable but they are present in traces on earth. Most elements on earth are stable.

Which all radioactive elements are used for nuclear reactors in India?

well its usually uranium 235 or plutonium they are both effective

Difference between a non-radioactive substance and a radioactive substance?

Radioactive elements are unstable and will decay into other elements in a decay chain. Non-radioactive elements are stable and won't commence into radioactive decay. Radioactive elements can be found from atomic number 84 onwards.

The rate of radioactive decay does not depend on temperature pressure or chemical reactions?

According to earlier theory: The rate of radioactive decay can never be changed.But conflicting claims have recently appeared. Claims about how temperature appears to have an effect on the decay rate of some elements. The distance from the sun appears to have an effect as well.