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During meiosis 1, a process called crossing over occurs, wherein segments of genes are exchanged between homologous chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes line up or 'cross over' one another to form structures called chaismata. This structural orientation allows the exchange of genetic segments between chromosomes. The crossing over event is the cornerstone of genetic diversity.

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There isn't one; there are two. The first is crossing over which occurs in Prophase I. The second is independent assortment which occurs in Metaphase I.

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Q: What event increases genetic diversity during meiosis?
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What process in cells undergoing meiosis increases genetic diversity?

Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity by introducing new genetic material.

What factors contribute to genetic diversity?

The way the chromosomes line up during meiosis.

Which phase of meiosis do diversification occur?

Diversification occurs during the crossing over phase of meiosis, which is Prophase I. During this phase, chromosomes exchange genetic material, resulting in the recombination of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. This process increases genetic diversity and contributes to the unique combination of traits in offspring.

What is the ultimate souce of genetic variation and the basis for the diversity of life on earth?

Interchange of genetic material during meiosis and random union of male nad female gametes during fertilization.

What are two ways that sexual reproduction helps create and and maintain genetic diversity?

Sexual reproduction helps create and maintain genetic diversity by: # The independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis. # The random fertilization of gametes.

What is the result of crossing over?

The crossing over alleles is critical to the survival and genetic diversity of a species. The results of the random crossing over of alleles is that the offspring will have chance inheritance of certain characteristics from their parents (as opposed to being genetic clones with no diversity). The diversity of phenotypes are among the major manifestations of random crossing.

What is the result of a mutation during meiosis?

The offspring of the organism will have the mutation. -Apex

What happens during synapsis in meiosis?

The purpose of synapsis in meiosis is to increase genetic variability. During synapsis is when tetrads form.

What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

What is the reshuffling of chromosomes during meiosis?

genetic recombination

What two factors introduce genetic variation during the process of meiosis?

The two factors that introduce genetic variation during the process of meiosis are independent assortment and chromosomal crossover. These occur during prophase 1 and anaphase 1 of meiosis.

Chromosomes exchange genetic information through the process of what?

Chromosomes exchange genetic information during a process called crossing over. This occurs during meiosis