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It could be compared to a house's framing because it helps support the structure of the house.

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Q: What everyday object would represent vacuole?
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What everyday object would represent lysosomes?

a garbage disposal

What would represent a vacuole in a house?

Seeing as a vacuole in a cell acts as the digestive structure, the toilet or the garbage disposal would represent the vacuole in a house.

What object is like a vacuole?

An object that is like a vacuole would be a refrigerator. This is because it stores food for humans just like the vacuole stores food.

What does a vacuole represent in the human body?

An item that can represent a vacuole would be a ballon or a plastic bag or even a water bottle because they hold water like a vacuole.

What item can represent a?

An item that can represent a vacuole would be a ballon or a plastic bag or even a water bottle because they hold water like a vacuole.

What item can represent a vacuole?

An item that can represent a vacuole would be a ballon or a plastic bag or even a water bottle because they hold water like a vacuole.

What does a vacuole represent in a school?

The central vacuole can be compared to the school library.

What object would represent Phoenicia?

The Ankh - adopted from Egypt.

What is a Vacuole in a city?

An item that can represent a vacuole would be a ballon or a plastic bag or even a water bottle because they hold water like a vacuole.

What everyday object would represent mitochondria?

It can be compared to a power house.It generates enery in cell.

What would happen to the paramecium if it did not have a contractile vacuole?

If a paramecium did not have a contractile vacuole or it did not work it would fill with water and lyse.

What everyday object can you compare to a cytoplasm?

The everyday object that can be compared to cytoplasm would be the floor of a house. This is because the floor holds the houses furniture.