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Any cardio exercise combined with a good diet. This includes: biking, spinning, rowing, swimming, running, etc. Avoid diets that tell you to eat less than 100 kilocalories a day. And don't exercise longer than 45 minutes.

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11y ago

Spot reduction of weight is not possible so far.

Eat healthy and low in calories foods. Try including some weight/strength exercises with some cardio exercises e.g. jogging, rope skipping etc. in your routine to experience good results.

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15y ago

lunges are really good for losing inches on your legs and thighs.

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Q: What exercise should you do when you are trying to get rid of fat on your thighs?
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Is cycling good to burn fat on the thighs?

During exercise, you cannot target a certain area of fat to be burned off. Cycling is a good way to burn overall body fat, but it may be burnt if from other areas of the body before your thighs.

How can you get bigger thighs without getting a bigger stomach?

You can't preferentially add fat to a certain part of your body. Where your fat goes is determined by your genes. But if you want to add muscle to your thighs, the best exercise is barbell squats.

How can I lose weight on my thighs when I'm on the pill?

A sensible diet and regular exercise will reduce your general body fat.

Can running help with fat reduction of the hips and thighs?

If you choose to pick running up as an exercise, it could greatly help your legs out by losing fat there and gaining more muscle.

Are fat thighs healthy thighs?

fat thighs, no. but keep in mind fat and bone isn't the same. to some people my thighs are bigger, that's because I'm medium boned. to some people their thighs are bigger than mind. their larger boned. its not always fat, and actually can just be bone

How do you you make thighs bigger?

There are two ways to make your thighs or any body part larger, but only one of them can be controlled, relatively speaking. The first method is to simply consume more calories than you burn. Your body will begin to store excess calories as fat and that fat will, depending on your genetics, begin to accumulate in various parts of your body, including your thighs.The second method is to exercise your thighs. Unlike the first method, exercise allows you to target a particular body part in order to increase its size. In addition, the increased size you experience from exercise is caused by the creation of more muscle tissue, rather than fat. As your body adapts to the exercise it will begin creating new muscle fibers to help with the work. This, in turn, increases the size of the muscle. So, if you want bigger thighs, you should perform exercises that use your thigh muscles.

Has Sakshi tanwar shown her thighs?

no but we can imagine her fat thighs

What type of fat should you be trying to cut down?

We should be trying to cut down on our "Saturated Fat".(:

How do you lose fat on your calves and thighs?

What you asking is if you can spot reduce fat, which you technically can't. You basically have to loose fat over your entire body, which includes thighs and calves, through diet and exercise (Cardio workouts, biking, running, swimming). However you can exercise thighs and calves so they are more toned which which tighten up flabby loose muscle underneath the fat layer. Exercises to tone thights: lunges, squats, donkey kicks, ect. Exercises to tone calves: running and jump rope or anything else that you do on the balls of your feet.

Why do pants or shorts ride the inner thighs?

because you have fat thighs

Are there some ways you can lose really big fat hips and upper thighs by doing what exercises and eating what?

Running, biking. CARDIO! As long as you exercise and cut excess sugar, fat, and saturated fat from your diet, the work should start producing some results. Have patience -- it will take time depending on how hard you work.

What should we do if you are fat?

Try to eat healthier and exercise when you can.