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Charles' Law. The volume and absolute temperature of a gas are directly proportional when pressure is constant.

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Q: What explains how the volume of a gas is changed in response to changes in temperature of the gas?
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The independent variable is what you did differently in the experiment compared to the controlled experiment; it's also called manipulated variable. The dependent variable is what changed in the experiment as a result of the independent variable; it's also called the responding variable x hope this helps :)

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Does the Viscosity changes with the temp and pressure?

The viscosity of a substance will change with both temperature and pressure. For liquids the changes induced by a change in temperature are usually more readily observed than the changes from pressure because liquids are only slightly compressible with pressure. In gasses, the changes in viscosity with pressure are much more easily demonstrated because gases are, almost by definition, quite compressible so that the density can be easily changed by either changes in pressure or changes in temperature.

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An RTD, or resistance temperature detector is based in the principal that the resistance of a conductor changes as its temperature changes. The RTD consists of a long length of fine coiled wire made from some pure material such as nickel, platinum or copper. The coil is in the form of a probe and may be encased in a protective sheath. The wire material has a known response - in how its resistance changes with temerature - and this known change is used to determine temperature.

Can the hypothalamus influence respiratory rate and depth?

Yes. The hypothalamus is part of your autonomic nervous center and can influence rate and depth in response to pain and temperature changes