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Henry Hudson

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Q: What explorer was hired to explore New York for the Dutch?
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Where did the Dutch explore and then settle?

New York

Europeans attempts of creating dutch settlements in Americas?

The Dutch settled in what is now New York. They had hired John Hudson to explore for them and he discovered the Hudson River. They purchased Manhatten from the Indians and settled New Amsterdam.

Which Dutch explorer discovered New York harbor?

First, the Dutch and then the English. New York is named after the Duke of York.

Who were the first people to explore new york?

The Dutch had the first colony in New York.

Who explore what is now New York for the Dutch looking for the northwest passage?

Henry Hudson

What explorer while sailing for the dutch discovered the New York harbor?

Henry Hudson

Which explorer while sailing from the dutch discovered New York Hobor?

Henry Hudson

What Dutch explorer discovered the area known as today as New York?

Henry Hudson

Who were the earliest settlers in New York?

Giovanni deVerrazanoHenry Hudson and DutchAfricans AmericansThey are: Samuel de Champlain, Verranzano Cartier, Henry Hudson, and John Cabot.No

Who were the first europeans to come to New York?

The Dutch. Even though Henry Hudson, who first sailed up New York Harbor, was an English explorer, he was hired by the Dutch East India Company in 1609 to find a northeastern sea passage to Asia and the spice islands of the South Pacific. Because Hudson had been hired by the Dutch East India Company, the Dutch later claimed the area and established a colony, naming it New Amsterdam. Peter Minuit of the Dutch West Indies Company bought the island in 1626 from the Manhattan Indians for $24 worth of merchandise. However, it was renamed New York when the English took control in 1664.

Who was the member of the Dutch East India Company that founded present day New York?

Henry Hudson was the member of the Dutch East India company who founded present day New York. Henry Hudson was a navigator and explorer.

When Henry Hudson explored for the Spanish what part of the United States did he explore?

Henry Hudson was English. He explored for English merchants and the Dutch East India Company. He looked for the Northeast Passage to India and the Northwest Passage to the Spice Island. Part of his exploration for the Northwest passage led him to explore the Hudson river for the Dutch East India company and laid the foundation for Dutch settlement of New York. He did not explore on behalf of Spain.