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One factor that influence the passage of substances through living membranes are size which small molecules pass faster than large. Others are the charge non polar are faster and concentration gradient molecules that move to regions of lower concentration.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Steepness of the concentration gradient. The higher the temperature the faster the rate of diffusion. The mass of the diffusing substance. The larger the membrane surface available the faster the diffusion rate. The greater the distance over which diffusion must occur, the longer it takes.

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13y ago

The main factor that influences diffusion of a substance across a cell membrane is the concentration of the diffusing molecule. If it is high on one side and low on another it will diffuse to the area of lower concentration. Another factor that influences diffusion across a cell membrane would be the pore. Is the molecule large enough to fit through the pores of the membrane? Does the molecule have the correct charge with regards to the charge on the inside of the pore to allow it to pass through?

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9y ago

There are many factors that affect the diffusion of a dissolved substance through a membrane. Temperature is one of these factors.

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9y ago

The diffusion of different substances through a membrane depends on the size of the particles of the substance. The smaller the particles, the higher the rate of diffusion.

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13y ago

size: small molecules pass faster than bigger ones

polarity: a non polar molecule diffuses faster

concentration gradient: molecules move to regions of lower concentrations

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11y ago

Molecule size (smaller is quicker), temperature, polarity (nonpolar molecules diffuse faster)

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11y ago

Size: small molecules pass faster than bigger ones

Polarity: a non polar molecule diffuses faster

Concentration gradient: molecules move to regions of lower concentrations

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13y ago

the number of protein channels

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Q: What factors influence the passage of substances through living membranes?
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It selectively regulates the passage of substances into and out of the cell. It is a very important part of a cell.the cell membrane holds all of the stuff inside of the cell. Also it shapes the cell that is how a animal cell is circles and a plant cell is squared.Read more: What_does_the_cell_membrane_of_the_animal_cell_do

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