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Lumber and Furnitutre Factories were the most common in the North

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Q: What factories did the north have?
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Related questions

How did southern factories effect the Civil War?

Not much. 90% of the factories were in the north. They did have gunpowder factories so that would have some effect, but for the most part the north had the advantages.

What economy dominated the north?

The Factories

In what section of the country were factories first built?

The North The North

Who had more factories the union or confederate?

The South had very few factories in comparison with the North.

What economy was the north built on?

Factories and Mills

What did the southern factories make in the Civil War?

There were very few southern factories but they did the same as the north.

Difference between industrialization in north than south?

The difference between industrialization in the North and the South was the factories were mostly located in the North. The South had plantations and raised crops, while the North had factories to produce clothing and furniture.

What did African Americans who moved from the south to the north find?

jobs on railroads or in factories.

Did the north have more factories than the south?


Where do h and m have factories?

Hickory, North Carolina

The north had more money factories ships and what?


Did the north or the south factories produce more guns?

the north. that's why they won the war