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The masses of the objects and the distance between their centers.

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Q: What factors affect the way gravity acts on objects?
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Does gravity acts on some objects only?

Gravity acts similarly on all objects.

How do mass and distance affect the gravitational attraction between objects?

The force of gravity acts between all objects. If massincreases, the force of gravity increases. If distanceincreases, the force of gravity decreases.

What force acts between all objects?


Factors that affect gravity between objects?

The force of gravity is F=G*m1*m2/r^2 G is the universal gravitation constant 6.67*10^-11 m^3kg^-1s^-2 m1, m2 are the masses of the two objects, r is the separation. The force on m1 acts in the direction of m2, and the force on m2 acts in the direction of m1.

What is the universal force that acts on all objects on earth?

Gravity is the universal force that acts on all objects on Earth.

What is a force that's acts on objects on earth?


Is the gravity a repulsive force meaning it acts to pull objects together?

Gravity acts to pull objects together. That's called an "attractive" force, not a 'repulsive' one.

Why does gravity control motion?

Gravity exerts a force on objects; forces change the motion of objects.

What is the force that acts on all objects based on their mass?


What is the force of attraction that acts between all objects?


Does gravity only act on heavy objects?

No, gravity acts on all objects regardless of their weight. The force of gravity is dependent on the mass of an object, so heavier objects will experience a stronger gravitational force than lighter objects. However, even very light objects, such as feathers, are still subject to the force of gravity.

Is gravity a repulsive force meaning it acts to pull objects together?

No. Gravity is an attractive force, meaning it acts to pull things together.