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Venous return (VR) is the flow of blood back to the heart. Under steady-state conditions, venous return must equal cardiac output (CO) when averaged over time because the cardiovascular system is essentially a closed loop. Otherwise, blood would accumulate in either the systemic or pulmonary circulations.

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Q: What improves venous return to the heart during strenuous exercise?
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No. Any exercise, but particularly cardiovascular exercise...aerobic (anything that makes you out of breath) with strengthen the heart muscle, making the heart more efficient. Blood pressure will temporarily rise during exercise, but should return to normal when you stop. Some exercises can put unneccessary pressure on the heart , like weight lifting or squash - really strenuous activities. If your blood pressure is very high (over 180 systolic) you should consult a doctor before doing any exercise. If you are mildly hypertensive (130-140) or less it should be safe to do exercise.

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You can infer that your (healthy) heart is beating faster to compensate for the extra effort your body is making during physical exercise. Once the exercise is over, the time the heart takes to become relaxed and to return to a normal resting beat is a good indication of the state of the health of your heart.

Is a lunge a closed kinetic chain exercise?

No , because in a proper lunge the foot leaves the floor in the first step and then leaves the floor again during the return phase in the last step. The foot is not on a stable platform for the entire movement making it an open chain exercise.

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Why does the body need to decrease heart rate after exercise?

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