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If you think to sodium chloride (NaCl) this contain Na and Cl (halogen).

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Q: What family of nonmetal elements are salt former's?
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Which family is known as salt formers?

The Halogens.

What is another name for Halogen?

Salt formers / group 17 elements. The elements of Group VII (or group 17) of the Periodic Table are called halogens, which means "salt formers"

What is the family of ' salt - producing ' elements?

Halogen is the family of salt producing elements.

Elements in group 17 are known as salt formers they are called?

Usually halogens are called as salt producers,their electronegativity is high compared to other elements.They easily combine with electropositive metals and result in formation of salts.

What non-metals can be bonded with metals to make salt?

The two elements that make the compound "salt", are sodium (metal) and chloride (non-metal). These two elements are bonded together to create sodium chloride as we call it "salt". Sodium particle-> O + O <-Chloride particle = Sodium chloride (salt).

What substance has a shiny surface and is easy to shape by drawing it into a thin wire?

These elements are often used to kill bacteria. They get their name from the Greek words for "salt formers."

Where does the word halogen originate from?

Halogens "Salt formers" from Greek Hals-salt and gens-to generate

What is the name of the family of the salt producing elements?

Pretty much any Group 1(Alkali metals) and Group 2(Alkaline Earth Metal) will form a salt when bonded with a nonmetal(right hand side of periodic table). Some transition metals also make salts.

What kind of reaction is metal oxide nonmetal oxide æ ternary salt?

Reaction between a metal oxide and a nonmetal oxide to produce a salt containing at least three elements is a synthesis reaction. The salt almost always contains at least one monatomic metal cation and at least one polyatomic anion that contains all of the elements of the reacted nonmetal oxide plus the oxygen atoms from the metal oxide. This type of anion is called an "oxyanion" or the "anion of an oxyacid."

What kind of reaction is metal oxide plus nonmetal oxide æ ternary salt?

Reaction between a metal oxide and a nonmetal oxide to produce a salt containing at least three elements is a synthesis reaction. The salt almost always contains at least one monatomic metal cation and at least one polyatomic anion that contains all of the elements of the reacted nonmetal oxide plus the oxygen atoms from the metal oxide. This type of anion is called an "oxyanion" or the "anion of an oxyacid."

Does salt contain a metal and a nonmetal?

Yes. Salt contains a metal ion and a nonmetal ion bonded together by an ionic bond.

Is salt a nonmetal or a metalloid?

Salt is a compound of Sodium (Na) and of Chlorine (Cl), thus, it is a nonmetal because it is a compound of 2 nonmetals. Na is not a nonmetal it is a highly active metal. This can be easily googled.