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The solar corona, the thin sort-of-bright atmosphere of the Sun, was only visible during total solar eclipses. That's because the Sun itself was so much BRIGHTER that the corona was completely invisible except during an eclipse.

With a special telescope called the coronagraph developed in 1930, it became possible to block the Sun's direct light and view the corona all the time.

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Q: What features are visible during a solar eclipse or with special instruments that cover part of the sun?
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When the sun's disk is covered in an eclipse the corona is still visible?

When the Sun's disk is covered due to an eclipse, its corona would still be visible. The most striking coronal features during an eclipse are the white streamers from the sun which extends into the interplanetary medium.

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It will NOT be visible to the naked eye. A tiny fraction of the light from the Sun will be cut off from shining on a tiny fraction of the full Moon - but the Sun's light is so intense that you, watching from the Earth, will be unable to see the difference.If you were in Singapore for the solar eclipse last week, you saw about a 5% eclipse; 95% of the light of the Sun shined down brightly on you, and 5% of the Sun was blocked. Without special equipment, could you have watched the eclipse?No. And you won't be able to see this one, either; not without special instruments that would measure exactly how brightly the full Moon is shining before, during and after the eclipse.This eclipse is as near as an eclipse can get to missing completely.

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There will be a total lunar eclipse visible in North America on December 21, 2010; it will be very partially visible in the UK as the Moon will go into eclipse as it is setting. There will be a total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011 primarily visible in India and eastern Africa, which will be partially visible in the UK when the Moon will rise already coming out of eclipse.

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The layer of the sun that is only visible in an eclipse is called the corona.

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It started a little while ago, but IT IS NOT VISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE. The dimming of the Moon as part of this penumbral, partial lunar eclipse is too minor to be noticed without sensitive instruments.

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The August 6 2009 lunar eclipse will not be "visible" period. It's a partial penumbral eclipse, meaning that a portion of the moon will dim slightly. The difference in brightness is too small to notice simply by looking, though astronomers using special equipment will be able to detect it.

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When was the last solar eclipse that could be seen from the u.s.?

There was a partial solar eclipse on March 19, 2007, visible from northern Alaska, and an annular eclipse was visible across much of the US on May 10, 1994. The total eclipse of July 11, 1991 was visible throughout the Hawaiian Islands, and was visible as a partial eclipse in much of the southwestern US.

Will there be a solar eclipse in the USA in 2010?

No. The next solar eclipse to be visible in the USA will be an annular eclipse on May 20, 2012. The next total eclipse visible in the US will be on August 21, 2017.

When is the next eclipse visible from Baku?

The next total solar eclipse visible in Baku, Azerbaijan will be April 30, 2060.

When is the next solar eclipse visible from Georgia?

The next total solar eclipse will be on July 22, 2009. It will be visible from northern India through China. The next total solar eclipse visible in the United States will be on August 21, 2017. It will be visible from Oregon through South Carolina, but in Georgia it will be only visible as a total eclipse in the very northeastern corner of the state. Much of the rest of the USA will see a partial eclipse. The next total eclipse visible in the southern part of Georgia will be on March 30, 2052.