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Q: What five letter word has four vowels beside each other?
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Give you a sample sentence of beside?

The stood beside each other.

What is the contraction of we and are?

Here's how you do contractions like this. We + are ... you don't want to have two vowels beside each other, so you don't just write "weare." You drop one vowel - in this case, the "a." The contraction then becomes "we're."

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yes they can live beside each other i have a tank in the hexagon with all of them beside each other. they will try to fight still but that is normal.

Which is the word containg only vowels?

The words "I" and "a" each contain only one letter which is a vowel. a word that has only vowels could be aiea and it is a city name

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they are parallel lines.

If I stand beside you am I 'side by each'?

If you are standing beside someone you are said to be standing "at his side," and you would say "he is at my side." You would be standing beside each other, or "side by side."

What are two angles beside each other?

Adjacent angles.

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how harlem and north carolina?

they both beside each other idn

How many four letter words can you make if no letter is used twice and each word must contain at least one vowel?

I'm not sure, but i have there are 26x25x24x23 total possibilities which is 358800. And 21x20x19x18 of these possibilities don't include vowels (since 21 out of 26 letters are not vowels and they can each be used once). Therefore the number of possibilities of words WITH vowels is just the difference which is 358800 - 143640 = 215160