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Not sure what you're trying to ask exactly, Yellow Jacket, the insects, aren't really considered to be food to humans, so wouldn't really fit into the human food groups.

As far as their place in the rest of the animal kingdom, they could be considered predators, since they do hunt, kill and eat other insects. They could also be considered scavengers, since they will eat dead and decaying animal corpses. They would also be considered prey, since there are plenty of birds, etc. that are quite happy to eat them.

If you are referring to the supposedly energy-boosting pills called Yellow Jackets, I believe they are considered to be a 'Dietary Supplement' by the USFDA.

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No they are not

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Yellow jackets have several enemies that will eat them. Bears will root out a yellow jacket nest , as will raccoons, skunks, and badgers. Additionally, certain birds will eat lone yellow jackets as well.