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Fruits, particularly lemons.

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Q: What foods can acids be found in?
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Why are acids in food safe to eat?

The acids found in foods, such as citric acid and lactic acid, are safe to eat because they are components of the foods, and the foods are safe to eat.

What foods are acids found in?

You can find acids in fruits, for example oranges this contains Citric acid

True or false acids are found in many foods?

many of the vitamins in the foods you eat are acids.

What is Low acid food?

This is a food that contains low acid. Some foods are high in acids. For example: foods like tomatoes or lemons. These are two different kinds of acids found in foods.

What do amino acids come from?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. They are found in foods like milk, eggs and meat. They also can be found In a variety of plants.

When should you should not eat tomato?

If you suffer from gout, or are particularly susceptible to the acids to be found in foods.

What foods are acids used in?

Pickles are acidic foods.

What foods supply amino acids?

All unrefined foods supply amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

What effects do fatty acids have on your body?

Fatty acids can have a number of bad effects on the body. They are known to increase cholesterol and improve the changes of contracting heart disease. These fatty acids are often found in foods such as red meats.

Where would acids in every day life be found?

In your stomach In some automobile batteries In many foods, including vinegar

What foods have fatty acids?

Mainly cold-water fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, lake trout and tuna contain fatty omega 3 acids