

Best Answer

most or all meat i think

Actually its eggs and chicken

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Q: How salmonella is grown?
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Related questions

Do raw potatoes have salmonella in them?

Raw potatoes can be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella and other disease-causing organisms are found in soil and potatoes are grown in soil.

What is used to diagnose salmonella food poisoning?

Salmonella can be grown and.viewed under a microscope for identification.the blood is far more likely to positively show a presence of the Salmonella bacterium.positive cultures can be obtained from the stool and in some cases from a urine culture.

Is there salmonella in tomatoes?

There could be, if the tomatoes were grown under poor conditions or were handled improperly - but it isn't guaranteed. After all, they are generally grown in dirt outside in the open.

What does SMID2 stand for in microbiology?

SMID means "Salmonella Identification." It is an agar made by bioMerieux that contains chemicals which change color when salmonella is grown on the plate. SMID2 is the new-and-improved version.

Is salmonella typhimurium aerobic or anaerobic?

Salmonella is a facultative anaerobe, meaning that although it will grow aerobically, it's growth is facilitated if grown under lower O2 concentrations... just like E. coli. It is this property that helps these organisms reside in the gut.

Is salmonella enterica and salmonella bongori species of salmonella?


Does fish and chips have salmonella in it?

No they do not have salmonella in it only if they get contaminated then it is possible for some to have salmonella?

What is the common name for Salmonella?


What is salmonella a type of?

salmonella is a type of food poisoning salmonella is a type of food poisoning

Is there a form of salmonella such as salmonella-D?

Yes there is.

What can salmonella do?

Salmonella can cause Typhoid fever.

What is the genus nme for salmonella?

Genus Salmonella.