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Q: What foods do not contain a lot of salt?
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Related questions

What foods is salt found in?

Salt is found in many foods. Most processed foods contain salt. It is needed in baked goods to raise the dough. Fast food has a lot of salt.

What foods contain salt naturally?

Most foods contain salt naturaly and that is why we dont need to add any salt when we are cooking or eating food.

Where is sodium found outside the body?

Table salt, which is sodium chloride, a compound of sodium. Many, many foods contain salt; many manufactured foods contain added salt. The seas and oceans contain vast amounts of salt.

What other foods have sea salt in them?

Sea salt doesn't contain foods.

Can sugar be one cause high blood?

Yes, sugar can possibly cause a person to develop high blood sugar. There are other foods that can do it as well. Such as foods that contain high levels of salt and grease. So, foods that have grease salt and a lot of sugar would be foods to avoid.

What other foods contain sea salt?

Many processed foods that include varieties of rice cakes and meal kits. Other foods that contain sea salt include snacks and potato chips.

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What are foods that are high in salt and why is salt so unhealthy?

Foods such as potato chips. Salt is not good for your heart a little is okay but not a lot of salt at one time.

What objects contain sodium?

Any foods with any sort of salt in them.

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Name of foods which contain common salt?

Practically all foods contain salt: meat products, cheese, pastries, crackers, french fries, sauces, dressings; fish products, concentrated soups etc.

What happens when you eat a lot of salt or spicy foods?

if you eat a lot of spicy foods, your mouth may burn and your stomach may be upset. Too much salt can be bad for your heart.