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with less spice in it ans soft

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Q: What foods to avoid if you have esophagus cancer?
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Are there foods you should avoid for cancer prevention?

Yes, definitely. For as many foods that are good for you to guard against cancer, there are more that one should avoid. Some foods such as well done meat and potato chips contain carcinigens which aid cancer in it's growth.

What is soficus cancer and how does it effect you?

Soficus (esophagus) cancer is cancer of the esophagus, the tube in the chest. The effects of esophagus cancer can be heart burn if the cancer is closer to the stomach. If the cancer is closer to the lungs it can affect breathing.

What type of cancer did jimmy valvano have?

Esophagus Cancer

Can liver cancer happen to females?

Yes, it can. But you can avoid it by eating the right foods and drinking a lot of water.

What foods should someone with gerd avoid?

A person with GERD's wants to avoid foods that will cause acid reflux into the esophagus and sphincter. It is recommended to stay away from coffee, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, chewing gum as well as eating right before bedtime.

What is gerd and why should you avoid it's foods?

GERD is when the sphincter opens the passage between the stomach and the esophagus at the wrong time, allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. If you suffer from GERD certain foods make it more likely and avoiding them can help.

What kind of diseases happen in the esophagus?

Thyroid cancer.

What is the most common cause of esophagus cancer?


What are the treatments that someone would have to have if they were diagnosed with esophagus cancer?

Esophagus cancer is a cancer that affects the throat area. Treatments can consist of endoscopic mucosal resection, removal of part of the throat, chemotherapy, chemoradiation, and radiation treatment.

Is it true that drinking vinegar can help with cancer off the esophagus?


Which foods should people who suffer from heartburn avoid?

Heartburn is often caused when stomach acid splashes onto the esophagus. According to WebMD, the foods that often cause excess acid to splash onto the esophagus are ground beef, chicken nugget stlyle poultry, anything with a large amount of grease, acidic fruits such as lemons and oranges, and many dairy products.

What is soficus cancer?

You may have misheard what was said to you and probably mean the esophagus. The esophagus is the "food tube" leading from the throat to the stomach, and like any other tissue in the body, it can be susceptible to cancer.