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Sexual reproduction contributes to genetic diversity.

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a sexual reproduction is when they mate to form a new offspring

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Q: What type of reproduction leads to genetic diversity?
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What type of cell reproduction is more likely to increase genetic diversity?

Sexual reproduction is most likely to increase genetic diversity.

What type of reproduction produce fungi that are different from either parents?

the correct answer is "sexual" reproduction. Sexual Reproduction leads to genetic variation which would therefore cause the offspring to look different from the parent.

What is a type of diversity that includes all forms of genetic information?

Genetic diversity

What type of reproduction helps increase the genetic material of a cell?

Sexual reproduction increases the genetic material of a cell.

Dinobryon is a species of protozoa that reproduce asexually How can this asexual reproduction be harmful to the species?

They do not use up any energy finding mates.

What type of biodiversity does coral reef have?

Coral reefs have great genetic diversity, unparalleled and immense species diversity, and relatively low ecosystem diversity.

What is the process whereby an organism produces more of its own kind is called?

This process is called reproduction. In many organisms, it may be of asexual type which leads to produce more of its own kind. The sexual reproduction prevalent in higher forms leads to 50 % individuals of its own kind genetically and 50 % having new genetic configuration. The sexual reproduction by having genetic variations promotes evolution.

What type of reproduction enables evolution?

sexual reproduction because asexual reproduction results in an organism that is identical to the parent cell which does not allow for diversity. diversity allows for evolution. sexual reproduction results in offspring that are not identical and may contain traits that are better adapted to survive in their environment.

What type of reproduction produces genetic variation?

The type of cell division is meiosis

What type of reproduction leads to offspring that share characteristics of two parents?


What is a type of reproduction where there is a exchange of genetic information in order to create new individuals?


Do asexual reproduction occurs only in microorganisms?

No. Many plants and animals do reproduce by asexual means. But there is no exchange of genetic material in this type of reproduction.