

What forms a motor neuron?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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motor neuron is actually a nerve cell made up of dendrites,axon,shwann cell,mylean sheath,central cell body,nodes of ranvier which carry messages from central nervous system to effectors.......

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Q: What forms a motor neuron?
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Is epilepsy one of the motor neuron diseases?

Epilepsy is not a motor neuron disease. It is not even considered a disease, but a condition. Epilepsy has various forms and has all sorts of causes. Everyone who has Epilepsy is different.

Is motor a neuron?

motor neuron is a type of neuron that found at the muscles, tissues, and organs.

Is it true that motor neurons pass messages from neuron to neuron?

Yes, an electrical signal is passed from the dendrites of 1 motor neuron, through it's cell body, through it's axon (the long tail looking feature of the neuron). It then travels through branches of the axon and forms synapses with other motor neurons, this is how the electrical signal is passed.

How are motor neuron diseases diagnosed?

often based upon symptoms and exclusion of other neurological diseases. Nerve conduction studies can help distinguish some forms of peripheral neuropathy from motor neuron disease

How are motor and sensory neurons categorized?

Motor Neuron and Sensory Neuron

What is the motor neuron ending?

axion terminals

What is a motor neuron attached to?

A Motor neuron is a neuron that carries impulses from the spinal cord to muscle cells.A Motor neuron is a neuron that carries impulses from the spinal cord to muscle cells.

What are relay neurons?

An interneuron (also called relay neuron, association neuron, connector neuron or local circuit neuron) is a neuron that forms a connection between other neurons. Interneurons are neither motor nor sensory.

What are similarities between sensory and motor neuron?

Motor neuron has got a motor.. but you have to peddle sensory neurons.

What is the 3 types of neuron?

one type of neuron is the motor neuron

What is descending tract and one ascending tract in upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron?

central nervous system (CNS) is the descending tract and one ascending tract in upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron.