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The choroid forms the bulk of the heavily pigmented vascular layer.

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Choroid layer .

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Q: What forms the bulk of the heavily pigmented vascular layer?
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What is the pigmented layer of the eye called?

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It is called endodermis. It surrounds the vascular tissue in both dicots as well as monocots.

What is the name of a part of the eye that starts with the letter u?

The uvea, also called the uveal layer, uveal coat, uveal tract, or vascular tunic, is the pigmented middle of the three concentric layers that make up an eye.

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Fibrous tissue, vascular tissue, and retina

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The vascular layer of the eye is the middle layer. It is also called the uvea. The vascular contains the iris and lens. The iris contains the light levels inside the eye.

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Ganglion cells, bipolar cells, photoreceptors.

What does the choroid of your eye do?

t makes sure that the eye stays in place. That is a horrible answer with no truth to it at all. The choroid is a layer of the eye deep to the retina and superficial to the sclera. It provides oxygen and nutrients to the retina through its extensive network of capillaries. The retina itself does not have a huge vascular supply, because the vessels would interfere with the formation of the image in the eye. This is why the choroid is necessary. The choroid is also very heavily pigmented due to an abundance of melanin. This increased pigment allows the choroid to absorb excess light and minimize reflections within the eye. The choroid along with the iris and ciliary body make up what is known as the uveal tract.

The layer of the heart wall synonymous with the vascular layer of the serous pericardium is?

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