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the four ideas are food,water,shelter and finding land for the children

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Q: What four ideas are still in your government there were part of the purtian lifestyle?
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What three ideas are still in your government that were part of the Puritan lifestyle?

the people

What four ideas are still in our government that were part of the puritan lifestyle?

hey watz up peps watz crackin lackin(:<3(^^^) hozz it goin

What four ideas are still in your nation that were part of the Puritan lifestyle?

Religious Liberty, decency, high morals, and the Constitution

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My lifestyle is busy but still healthy. Even if I have a hectic schedule, I still make it a point to eat healthy and exercise few times a week.

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yes many people still do use many of his ideas all of them are brillant ideas

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Lincoln refers to the Declaration and quotes from it in the first line of his address.

The ideas of the Mayflower Compact are still important to people why or why not?

its not