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The Pilgrims wanted freedom from religious persecution. The Church of England was the state church and all other religions were banned. Most of the Pilgrims were Anabaptists or reformers of the church. This is why the "Separation of church and state" is part of our laws, the government did not want freedom from the church, but the church needed freedom from the government.

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Freedom from persecution from the Anglican authorities drove the Pilgrims to choose to colonize what we know today as eastern Massachusetts.


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Q: What freedom did pilgrims come to America in search of?
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Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans come to America?

In short, for religious freedom.

Why did the pilgrims and puritans come to North America for religious freedom?

The pilgrims and puritans came to american to practice religious freedom and escape religious prosecution.

Why did the pilgrims come the north America?

The piligrams Came to North America for freedom of religion and a new life.

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They wanted religious freedom, such as the Pilgrims coming over on the Mayflower.

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Why did the pilgrims come to north America on the may flower?

Because that was just the transport that happened to be available

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The pilgrims came to the New World to get out from under the king's rule.

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Captain John Smith. English pilgrims migrated here, seeking religious freedom.

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First, of course, it wasn't the United States when they came here, not then and not for more than 150 years afterward. They came for religious freedom--for the right to worship God in the way that they chose, according to their beliefs. Their manner of worship was treated with intolerance where they came from. And--they were just as intolerant toward others.

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What year did the pilgrims first come to America?

The Pilgrims came to America almost 400 years ago.

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