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Oranges are the best option

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Q: What fruits have vitamin c for guinea pigs?
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How can you give guinea pigs vitamin c?

fruits and vegtables , or fiesta food mix .

What supliment do guinea pigs need because thir boddies cant produce it?

Guinea pigs can't produce vitamin C on their own and must consume it. Foods such as fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C and are needed in the guinea pigs diet.

Will guinea pigs die of vitamin deficiency?

Yes Guinea Pigs will die of Vitamin defiecy. Guinea Pigs are prone to Vitamin C defiecy-memyselfandi12312

Is there any way to feed the same pellet food to your rats guinea pig and rabbits if you supplement the pets with the correct fruits and veggies since guinea pigs need extra vitamin c?

No because rat food , guinea pig etc.It Doesn't supply enough Vitamin C for it because guinea pigs require a minimum of 10 mg of Vitamin C or 20 mg if pregnant

What not to give pigs?

Guinea pigs can have guinea pig food and any fruits and veggies but they need vitamin c from things like oranges and red bell peppers but other wise any human food is bad for them

Are carrots good for guinea pigs?

Yes!! They needle vitamin C. And carrots are full of vitamin C.

Which animals do not produce their own Vitamin C?

Guinea pigs, humans.

Do guinea pigs need vitamin c?

They need Vitamin C and lotes of it so you can but crushe vitamin C tablets in their water or you can give them food high in vitamin C. And they can get Vitamin C from carrots, and oranges also...

How do people have scurvy?

Scurvy is a disease caused by a Vitamin C deficiency. An animal that can commonly suffer from scurvy is the guinea pig as they do not produce their own Vitamin C and need to obtain it from their diet. Vitamin C is important for the production of collagen, a key component of bone and other tissues. The lack of Vitamin C can lead to blood clotting problems, joint problems, and skin issues. Guinea pigs can get Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables or supplementation with Vitamin C tablets. There are specially formulated diets for guinea pigs which are rich in Vitamin C. However, even though there may be proper supplementation in the diet, a guinea pig which is ill can still develop signs of scurvy, as they may stop eating or have problems with the absorption of the nutrients in the diet, especially with gastrointestinal issues. So to prevent the disease, be certain guinea pigs are on guinea pig diets rich in Vitamin C, properly supplemented with fruits and vegetables, and if necessary, Vitamin C tablets. Keep a close eye to be certain that the guinea pigs are eating adequately and watch for any signs of bleeding disorders, joint or skin problems. If any of these signs/abnormalities are noted, seek veterinary assistance. The condition can be corrected if caught early and treated properly.

Is pig food good for guinea pigs?

No pig food IS NOT good for guinea pigs. Guinea pigs have a very sensitive digestive system. Guinea pigs also require a different diet then regular pigs. A guinea pig is not part of the pig family. Guinea pigs need alot of vitamin c and vegetables. It is very important not to feed your Piggy any food that says it is for other animals. Make sure it says for guinea pigs specifically on the package. I have one guinea pig and he eats nothing but the best quality food. Guinea pigs mostly get there vitamin c from vegetables you feed them but they can get it from pellets that have vitamin c in them and is made just for them.

Is vitamin c syrup good for guinea pigs?

vitamin c is good for your guinea pig but I'm not sure about the syrup, I would leave it for now until someone can give you a definite answer.

Is it normal for a guinea pig not to like oranges?

Yes. Guinea pigs have food preferences like humans, so try some alternate fruits and veggies. Just be sure they're getting vitamin c somehow.