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Natural gas is the cleanest burning of the fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). It emits less greenhouse gas than the other two.

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Q: What fuel releases fewer pollutants then burning coal or oil?
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How is water power better than coal power?

Hydroelectricity emits far fewer pollutants (including carbon dioxide) than burning coal.

Which fuel release only carbon dioxide on burning?

Burning natural gas, which is largely methane, releases carbon dioxide with fewer by-products than either oil or coal.

Does coal pollute?

It releases CO2 into the air (CO2 is carbon dioxide) which destroys the Ozone layer

What are the problems of using coal?

Burning coal causes pollution in several ways. It releases carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. The enhanced greenhouse effect is causing global warming. Other pollutants from burning coal cause acid rain which weathers away rock, especially marble and limestone.

What can a burning coal do for a power palnt?

burning coal releases heat, and that heat turns a turbine, which generates electricity.

What is the Name of air pollutant produced by burning coal?

The pollutants produced by burning coal are Mercury-HG Sulphur oxide-SO2 Nitrogen oxides-NO2

What fuels give out pollution when they are burned?

The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, releases carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution which is causing global warming. The burning of coal releases other pollutants like sulphur dioxide (SO2) , nitrogen oxides (NOx) , mercury and aerosol particles. This causes acid rain, as well as bronchitis, asthma and other human illnesses.

In what ways is it harmful to use the coal?

burning coal releases "greenhouse gases" which can be toxic and effect the environment

How important is it to use clean coal technology?

It is very important to use clean coal technology. The pollutants from burning coal causes health problems as well as environmental problems. The clean coal technology cuts back on these pollutants and provides a cheap form of energy.

Why could a reaction in a furnace cause pollution?

sinse you are burning somwthing that will eventually reach the atmosphere, yes it can but not as bad as other type of pollutants such as burnig coal

Why coal is harmfull for atmosphere?

The burning of fossil fuels by nature releases harmful greenhouse gases.

What are some environmental problems caused by coal?

Burning coal releases carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, which is causing global warming.