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It produces carbon dioxide.

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They go up into the air

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Q: What happens to the gases produced when a candle burns?
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When a candel burns the total mass of the candle and the oxygen equals the total mass of the gases and produced what law is this?

Law of the Conservation of Mass

What gases are made when candle wax burns?

Carbon Dioxide and water vapor

When the candle burns what falls?

Wax is made of hydrogen and carbon. When a candle burns, the hydrogen and carbon from the wax combine with the oxygen in the air to become carbon dioxide and water vapor. Most of the matter in the candle ends up as these two gases. If you are looking for candle making supplies, please check out ohcans candle.

What physical and chemical changes occur when a wax candle burn?

Some wax burns, and as it does so, chemical changes occurs. Wax converts to CO2, CO, and H2O. That is an exothermic reaction The rest of the wax melts with the increased temperature. That is the physical change.

What are the two gases that form when petrol burns in motor vehicles?

Main gas is CO2. Gases like SO2 also can be produced

Why does the smoke rise when candal is burn?

The smoke rises due to a particular cause.The candle burns due to the vaporization of the oil contained in the candle.Now,when the vapor burns it releases some gases like carbon di oxide etc.This is why they release smoke.

Why is a candle flame seen?

A candle flame is seen because it consists of glowing gases.

Do candles of different colors burn faster than white ones do they yes or no?

The yellow candle burns faster because of the gases and subsistances in that color.

What gas in the air burns when candle wax melts?

The candle wax melting exposes the wick, where the actual burning takes place. Oxygen in the air combines with the vaporized wax in the wick, generating heat and giving off carbon dioxide (also traces gases and often carbon soot). (see related link)

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How does burning candle affect mass differently than melting a candle?

When a candle burns, it undergoes a chemical reaction called combustion, where the wax reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. During this process, the candle's mass decreases as some of the wax is converted into gases. On the other hand, when a candle melts, it transitions from solid to liquid state, but its mass remains unchanged as no chemical reaction occurs.

How does the law of conservation of mass to a burning candle?

The mass of the initial candle is identical with the sum of masses of released gases from burning and the residues remained.