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Ozone is the gas. It is present as ozone layer in the atmosphere.

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Q: What gas found in the stratosphere is considered a pollutant when found in the troposphere?
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What layers are ozone found?

The layers ozone is found is troposphere and stratosphere. The stratosphere is the second layer next to troposphere.

Is ozone located in stratosphere or troposphere?

ozone is found in the stratosphere.

What two places is ozone is found?

The ozone is found at 2 places. The atmospheric ozone and the ground level ozone.

Is ozone only found in the troposphere?

No, ozone is found in all layers of the atmosphere. In the troposphere, ozone is considered a pollutant, because it contributes to smog and gives a bitter taste to the air, but in the stratosphere and ionosphere, ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation and reduces our risk of sunburn and skin cancer. Ozone is naturally produced when radiation strikes oxygen and ionizes it, and the oxygen ions recombine into ozone.

Where ozone layer is found right above?

It is found above troposphere. It is present in stratosphere.

What 2 places is the ozone found?

The ozone is found at 2 places. These are stratosphere and troposphere.

Is the stratosphere?

The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere (where we live). The ozone layer is found in the lower stratosphere. The stratosphere is the lowest layer where temperature increases with increasing altitude.

Where is the ozone to be found?

Ozone is found in the earth's atmosphere. It is present both in the stratosphere as well as troposphere.

Are smog and ozone synonyms?

No. Smog includes ozone and more compounds in the troposphere. Ozone is found in all layers of the atmosphere, where it protects all surface life based on DNA. When it is found in concentrations >0.05 ppm in the troposphere, it is considered a pollutant, a constituent of smog.

Ozone is dangerous in which layer of atmosphere?

Ozone is found in all layers of the atmosphere. It is a minimum value at the extremes of the exosphere, and the bottom of the troposphere (where it is called a pollutant), with a peak value in the lower stratosphere. Ozone concentrations in excess of 0.05ppm in the lower troposphere is dangerous to people with asthma, and much above this, damages plants as well.

What is the stratoshere?

The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere (where we live). The ozone layer is found in the lower stratosphere. The stratosphere is the lowest layer where temperature increases with increasing altitude.

What protects the world from harmful radiation when found in stratosphere but is a pollutant at lower altitudes?

Ozone is such a chemical that is listed. It protects the world from harmful radiation but is pollutant at lower altitudes.