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Q: What geographic unit is organized to deal with a specific function?
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Which geographic unit is organized to deal with a specific function?

Special disctrict

Where can I look for a deal on a diesel truck? is an excellent resource for classified ads. The site is organized by city so you can look at only trucks from your area, and allows you to search for specific attributes, such as deisel.

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dese nuts

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The New Deal's support for organized labor was best shown by what?

establishing the right of collective bargaining -mE

How did the Mesopotamians change the envoriment to deal with geographic challenges?

They developed new technologies to control the water coming into their fields.

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do you mean deal? or do you mean bet? ya gotta be more specific

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Yes they are as they deal with the right for people to claim, law organized object's

What are organized groups that borrow money from the government to pay for installation electrical services?

Cooperatives are organized groups that borrow money from the government in order to finance the installation of electrical services. This was part of the New Deal legislation.