

What gives an object its colour?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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All objects absorb, reflect, and/or transmit light of specific colors. Generally, we cannot see absorbed light, but we can see reflected and transmitted light, and it is this selectivity of which colors are reflected or transmitted that give objects their color.


A green sofa, for example, absorbs all colors exceptgreen, which it reflects. When white light strikes the sofa, only the green component of the white light reflects off the sofa, and so we observe that the sofa is green.


Similarly, if we were to put a red filter over a traffic light, the filter will absorb all colors except red, and it will allow only red light to pass through the filter. So when that specific traffic light is energized, we see only red light.


Some objects, such as glass and air, transmit all visible colors - that is, clear glass and air are transparent to all visible colors. We would categorize such items as colorless.

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light that is reflected is what our eyes see. light is made up of all the colours of the spectrum. each 'colour' has its own wavelength say for example a pear, which is green. we see green because the object has absorbed all the other 'colours' and has reflected only the green colour wavelength, which reaches our eye colour receptors and we see green

What gives an object colors?

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