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Q: What goal was written into the Constitution to satisfy the need for a fair government?
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What goal was written on the constitution to satisfy the needs for a fair government?

the bill of rights and the articles of confederation:)

Because Americans wanted the laws to be fair what purpose was written into the constitution?

To 'establish justice' was included in the U.S. Constitution to satisfy the need for a fair government. The Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788.

Because americans wanted the government to be fair what purpose was written into the constitution-?

Establish justice was written into the constitution because americans wanted the government to be fair.

Americans wanted the government to be fair so the constitution had as it's purpose to establish?


Because the Americans wanted the laws to be fair what purpose was written into the constitution?

Establish Justice

Because Americans wanted the law to be fair what purpose was written into the constitution?

Establish Justice

What article of US Constitution tells how the executive branch of government should work?

Article I of the Constitution describes the structure of the legislative branch of government we know today.

How did the new constitution reflect the values of men who wrote them?

It showed that the men were brave, and also knew what the people and the government needed to survive and go on. It also reflected that the men who wrote it had a supreme interest and passion for trying to make their country thrive under a fair government and written constitution.

Which branch of government makes sure bad law aren't made?

Judicial makes sure they follow the Constitution and that they are fair.

What does US federal government use to ensure laws are fair and are equally applied?

The 14th amendment of the constitution ensures that the US government applies laws that are fair and equally applied. The 14th amendment is also known as the Equal Protection Clause.

What is the reason for having the constitution?

The constitution is a written statement that outlines the basic rules, rights and responsibilities of a country. If people abide by the constitution our country will be in order and be more stable.

What does the constitution require the national government to guarantee?

A fair one