

What goes trough a child abuse head?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What goes trough a child abuse head?
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Well, you put this in 'Chimpanzees' section, so I think so, yeah.

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Shaken baby syndrome can cause severe brain injury in children due to the brain bouncing back and forth inside the skull. This can lead to bleeding, swelling, and damage to the brain tissue, resulting in long-term disabilities or even death. It is a form of abusive head trauma and is a serious form of child abuse.

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Epilepsy is not normally associated with abuse. It can, however, be associated with repeated or severe head trauma.

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after you rescue the woman,you head to a piranha-infested pond then the cabybra runs through the bush after shooting the rodent go back to the pond with piranhas and trough it in the pond and trough it

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Head goes on the front, abdomen goes on the back.

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You can report anything that you feel is an abuse or neglect concern, and child protective will decide if it needs to be investigated. However, there are some things that are going to happen, like a child getting lice, even repeatedly. In many states, if they feel you are just looking for reasons to report someone, they can charge you with harassing the parent or guardian. Give it some thought on rather or not you have a legitimate abuse or neglect issue before you take that step.

Is rocking a symptom of ADHD?

Yes it can and it also can mean a side effect of a medicaton that is making the child very antzieHave you ever felt like your skin is crawling. Well kids head banging are feeling very neverious.Drugs, abuse, sexual abuse etc. I have ADHD and yes I have felt like banging my head against the wall, rocking etc. Usually I have eatten to much sugar or chocolate protein etc before going tobed.

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if the child is not circumcised no you will not see the head