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The winner of the electoral votes for any given state, is the candidate who wins the popluar vote for that state. For example, in the 2000 election, Al Gore beat George Bush by 500,000+ popular votes but Bush won the bigger states that have more electoral votes and took the presidency. The popular vote counts big time. Don't let anyone tell you different!

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Q: What good is a vote of the people when the electoral college votes who they want in the white house despite what the popular vote is?
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What group of people are officially responsible for electing a president?

The electoral college is the group of people who officially elect the US president.

Do you favor abolishing the electoral college?

We the people, not we electoral college

Where the party candidates campaign to win in the electoral college?

U.S. Presidential candidates campaign to the American people, then the electoral college is appointed based on the popular vote in each state.

How can Obama be president?

Well, he won the popular vote AND the electoral collage which is a big plus as we have learned you only really need one of the two in American elections which upsets some people. When the popular vote and the electoral college differ the winner of the electoral college gets the office.

After people vote in their state the is used to determine the winner of the presidential race?

electoral college The Electoral College probabably electoral college

How many time in your history has the man who won the popular vote not won the electoral college vote?

During the time that people have been keeping track of the popular vote there have been three candidates who received an absolute majority of electoral votes despite not being the most popular choice among the voters of the country:Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876Benjamin Harrison in 1888George W. Bush in 2000

What is the body of electors that represent the peoples vote in choosing the president?

The people (read: noncriminal citizens above the age of 18) of that country. The people of the United States elect the President by Popular Vote, but the Electoral College is the body that officially elects the President into office. (There have been 4 Presidents elected into office by the Electoral College that lost the popular vote, which means that the majority of people didn't vote for that president.

Who eletcs the president of the US?

Contrary to what some people think, a group known as the electoral college is responsible for election. Based on the public voting in their state, the electoral college *should* vote for the person who wins the popular vote.

Did the electoral College show that the constitutional convention trusted people?

It would be false to state that the electoral college showed that the Constitutional Convention had trust in the people. People who are critical of the electoral college claim that it is an undemocratic system.

Why is the Electoral College a continual issue of debate for many U.S. citizens?

The debate surrounding the Electoral College stems from several reasons. First, there is a disparity in the weight of individual votes, as some states have more electoral votes per capita than others. Second, the Electoral College can lead to a candidate winning the presidency despite losing the popular vote, which some argue is undemocratic. Lastly, critics argue that it can discourage voter turnout in states where the outcome is already predictable, as those votes may seem less influential.

What does is mean to have a popular vote?

The popular vote is when the people vote for the president. in actuallity the people don't elect the president. the electorial college do. they win states with the popular vote then the delegates from those states vote for the candidate their state chooses.

Why do some people criticize plans for the direct popular election of the president?

Some people criticize the process of taking the popular vote because the electoral college are the votes that determine who wins. Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000, but George Bush won the electoral college and became president.