

Best Answer

His signature,J-180 as acoustic, and a gibson les paul custom as electric.

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Q: What guirtar does billie joe use in the 21 guns video?
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Why is Billie's Joe Armstrong worst fear guns?

He was mugged twice at gunpoint and is now scared of guns. :(

When was billie joe mugged?

He was mugged at gunpoint in early 2001. That is also why he is afraid of guns.

What is Green Day's opinion on the song 21 guns?

Billie Joe wrote it for his wife, it's about them fighting. The music video is really good in my opinion. Hope that helps ^^ xXx <3

Does Green Day have 21 guns?

No. Billie Joe is afraid of guns since he got held up by a pathetic loser like you

Get Billie Joe Amstrong?

det billie joe Armstrong what???

What is billie joe Armstrong's biggest fear?

Billie Joe Armstrong's biggest fear is guns.He siad in an interview'' I'm afraid of guns they are my fear cuz ya know I got held to gun point so that was the scariest thing that ever happend to me in my F***in life''Poor Billie =-( Awww Poor Babe ;( He's too sexy to have a gun held at his head, but I SERIOUSLY Did No that.... Hehe Ya Know it's so HOTT WHEN HE SAYS THAT *o*

Did Billie Joe Armstrong ever win an award?

Yes! The whole band won a Grammy in 2010 for their 21st Century Breakdown's album song 21 Guns. Link to video -

Is billie joe Armstrong a nonbelever?

Believe it or not, Billie Joe is religious.

Does Billie Joe like Mexicans?

BIllie Joe accepts everyone!

Is billie Joe armstong's first name billie Joe?

According to Billie Joe Armstrong himself, in countless interviews, he was born Billie Joe Armstrong. His name is not William Joseph Armstrong. So, therefore, his first name would be Billie. :D

When was the song 21 guns lyrics written?

It was written in 2008 by Billie joe Armstrong It was recorded in 2008 It was released in 2009 hope that helps! :)

What is billie joe's postcode?

Billie Joe's postcode is 74582 thank you very much